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Londolozi offers an exclusive and luxurious safari experience that is unique and memorable. The name is a Zulu word meaning "protector of all living things". With conservation being at the forefront of everything they do, Londolozi has become an iconic game reserve in South Africa.
Established in 1926, Londolozi lies on 17 000 hectares and is located inside the Sabi Sands Game Reserve on the banks of the Sand River. There are a variety of activities to be done, some including the yoga hour, the healing house, the photographic studio and the village walk which shows new systems of living and how they are doing.
The heart and soul of Londolozi - Varty Camp!
Londolozi Game Reserve
No children under six.
Yes, Limited.
Yes, but low-risk area
our Highlights
On our first drive at Londolozi, we went to a sighting of the two Plains Males lions on a buffalo kill. Arriving at the sighting we came to find the two males full-bellied and resting. As we waited for movement from the boys, in front of us snuck in a Kambula sub-adult lioness. At first, the two males weren't aware of her presence until the one Plains male got up due to pure irritation from the flies on his foot wound. He headed towards the buffalo carcass and immediately noticed the female. He patiently watched and tolerated the lioness for ten minutes and suddenly out of nowhere sprinted towards her. And in a second the other male was up and in the chase. The Plains male, unfortunately, caught up with the lioness and they had a screaming interaction and then she disappeared. After the interaction, the Plains male began roaring and eventually returned to the carcass.
At our evening bush stop, we were joined by a Hyena - there is no better way to end a great day than with a Gin & Tonic accompanied by a hyena. After our stop, we headed out and came across two Kambula sub-adults in the middle of the road. They were yawning and licking which is a great indication that they will be active soon. Shortly after the lioness started to move another two lions came out of the darkness. Altogether four Kambula sub adults, two lionesses and two males. We followed them as they headed into the river bed and eventually crossed the river.
Finding any leopard is difficult but there is nothing more rewarding than finding one in a tree on a kill. The Mashaba female leopard with a hoisted nyala. We watched as she fed and eventually came down the tree to rest at the base.
Heading out from Londolozi we came across a yellow-billed hornbill in the road with a locust in its beak. We watched in astonishment as a dwarf mongoose tried to steal the meal from the hornbill. However the yellow-billed protected its meal and we watched as he eventually enjoyed the snack to himself.
Wild dogs! We always count ourselves lucky whenever we get to see a wild dog sighting. And Londolozi delivered with an afternoon drive out to the Wild Dogs den. Upon arrival, we found two wild dogs but no pups, so we waited and eventually we were surprised with several pups and adults greeting one another. Such an incredible sighting to see the interaction between the young and mature wild dogs. We were lucky to be able to return a second time and see the pups again where the alpha female regurgitated food and fed the pups.
Hyenas are not appreciated as much as they should be. And after spending more time in the bush, they deserve more credit. In our time at Kruger, we have followed many Hyenas to leopard sightings. This time we found ourselves at their den where we came across very curious pups and some adults. The youngsters came alongside the vehicle, nibbled on the tyres and curiously investigated our presence.
When you get a lion sighting, you generally get prides resting. But on this sighting, we found the Kambula females feeding on a wildebeest, full-bellied and covered in bloodstains, but still gorging and chewing on what remained.
Londolozi Game Reserve is beaming with wildlife and there is an adventure to be had around every corner.